We are growth hackers who were looking to build a tool to help with getting real and honest feedback from customers. The best way to improve and grow is by listening. FeedbackDaddy helps your website listen and helps you respond to your customers needs and wants more effectively
"Knowing and understanding targeted customers is the overarching rule of exceptional companies. Award-winning business builders know their customers as well as they know their families, perhaps even more so. Companies that possess this knowledge and use it to their profitable advantage are wildly successful" (Forbes). FeedbackDaddy will accurately find out the likes, dislikes and behaviors of your website visitors so that you can turn visitors into customers, and keep them loyal.
FeedbackDaddy allows you to add quick simple and precise survey questions to the bottom corner of your website to collect just in time feedback from the site visitors so you can understand what people are doing on your website and why. This helps you get specific feedback to make fast improvements in your website's ability to meet its objectives. Surveys pop-up to target users based on specific behaviors, needs, demographics or any other relevant data. Collected data is analyzed to help you make concrete actionable changes to improve your site's usability, influence user behavior, and turn visitors into loyal clients.
FeedbackDaddy is intelligently designed and easy to use, for both site administrators and site visitors.
Get Started in Minutes Paste our javascript code into your site just once and you're set.
Get your website feedback responses aggregated into actionable statistics
Some of the features:
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$ 0.00 Per month
$ 9.99 Per month
$ 19.99 Per month
$ 29.99 Per month
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